Grilled Vegetable Paninis

By Maria Lichty

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Making paninis is one of our favorite “Go To” dinners. They are fast, easy, and healthy…as long as you watch your topping choices:) We use whole wheat ciabatta bread and stuff them full of grilled vegetables. Josh usually throws on a few slices of turkey and some cheese, but I just like plain veggies. I do slather on some balsamic vinegar and sometimes pesto.

This time we used grilled purple and white eggplant. Have you had a white eggplant? They are fabulous! Kalyn, of Kalyn’s Kitchen, gave us some fresh produce from her amazing garden and white eggplants were in the bag of goodies. I recommend you try them. They are delicious. Thanks Kalyn!

Sorry, I got side tracked, we also used grilled zucchini, yellow squash, onions, roasted orange peppers, artichokes, tomatoes, and fresh basil. I think I got my 5 a Day and then some:)

The sandwiches start out HUGE, but thanks to our Krupps Panini maker they are soon smashed down to a compact sandwich with loads of flavor!

I also made a big batch of chunky vegetable pasta sauce to put in our freezer! This will come in handy when we are craving good veggies this winter!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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Vegetarian Sandwiches

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  1. What a wonderful filling and heathly supper. I’ll have to remember this for the nights when we come home late after soccer games!

  2. I just pulled my panini machine out from storage last weekend and made a panini for the first time in months. I have forgotten how good they are. what a great way to enjoy the last of the summer’s vegetables!

  3. I’ve never even seen a white eggplant before! But these sandwiches look amazing! Now I just need to get myself a panini press!

  4. Paninis are one of my favorite weekend meals to make. We love them with all sorts of ingredients. Yours look particularly healthy and delicious.

  5. Wow, this panini looks great! I just want paninis last week for a party and they were a hit…wish I could’ve incorporated this one into the mix!

  6. They look delicious! Great photos of the process of making them too. I’m staying home from school for a mental health day so I’m just about ready to pick some eggplant!

  7. OMG. You're killing me over here. This seriously looks awesome!!! I had my eye on some Ciabatta yesterday at the store & thought of doing something like this but hubby wasn't home. Now I must!!!

  8. On my goodness! I can’t describe how much I want to eat one of those right now! That is my favorite sammy. I am so hungry! Please share!

  9. Ya’ll come up with the coolest stuff to do with vegetables. I didn’t even know they had whole wheat cibatta bread!

  10. Ok, these look perfect. I wish I could find whole wheat ciabatta! I wish I could find ciabatta period! Do you bake your own? These sandwiches look delicious.

    Do you live next door to Kalyn? I love her blog!

  11. Too wonderful! I can never resist a good panini. I could never go back to cold sandwiches again. You’ve got me craving one now!

  12. now this is my kind of sandwich. i’ve never heard of white eggplant, but i’m sure it’s good. all your other veggies tickle my fancy too. and all in a smushed sandwich to boot. 🙂

  13. You guys seriously we busy while I was gone! I can’t believe how much I missed. You guys are some of the busiest bakers out there.

    This all looks just fantastic. I so love food like this that dresses up the veggies into something comforting yet gourmet. It just looks like heaven!

  14. im from indonesia but really interested to try all of your recipes. must be delicious 🙂

    succes to you and your family. Gb