Pita Pizzas

By Maria Lichty

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We just picked loads of tomatoes from our plants…Josh’s brother moved into our old place so we still have access:)

I am impressed with how many tomatoes we are getting since we only had a little growing space. I guess Josh has a green thumb! I can’t wait until next year when we can plant a full garden, we have a great spot at our new house! But for now these juicy tomatoes will do! I love the little guys…they are so flavorful and easy to pop in your mouth!

Last night’s dinner was quick and easy. We got home from a run and had things to do on the house so we needed something simple. I made pita pizzas with our leftovers from the calzones. I grilled the pita bread and spread on the toppings! I placed the pitas under the broiler for about five minutes and ta dah…Perfect Little Pizzas!! They were actually quite tasty!!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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Vegetarian Main Dishes Pizza

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  1. I’m infinitely jealous of your abundance of home-grown tomatoes! Our tomato crop was pretty much a dud this year. We traveled too much and just couldn’t keep our plants healthy, thus they didn’t produce much and now they’re done!

    Have fun coming up with some great recipes!

  2. This pizza is gorgeous! I sooo wish I had fresh veggies in my own back yard. Someday I’ll take up gardening and be oh so happy! Enjoy all your fresh recipes!

  3. Your pizza looks amazing! That’s what’s on the menu tonight at my house so the dough has been rising and I’m really excited about it. I can’t believe all of the beautiful tomatoes you have too!

  4. Oh my, I wish I could grow tomatoes like that as they look wonderful! I love those easy nights when you whip up something easy that turns out spectacular.

  5. I’m filled with envy and tomato cravings. That pizza looks fab and I can’t wait to see what you’ve got cooking all week long.

  6. wow! look at those beautiful tomatoes! i just started growing tomatoes, too, and can’t wait until ours ripen! 🙂