This and That

By Maria Lichty

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We are starting a new feature on the blog called, “This and That.” In these posts we will share what we are loving around the internet, random life happenings, baby stuff, favorite finds, and whatever else we feel like rambling about. I say we, because yes, Josh will chime in every once in awhile. Hey, and maybe Caleb will even have something to say soon:) These posts are meant to be fun! So sit back, relax, and enjoy “This and That.”

1. I am currently obsessed with Trader Joe’s Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips. I brought a bag home from our California trip and I can’t stop eating them. They are especially tasty with Black Bean and Corn Salsa. I am going to be very sad when they are gone, which will be soon, since I can’t keep my hands out of the bag!

2. Our roses are in full bloom. They make me happy!

3. It’s Thursday. Normally, I would be looking forward to watching Grey’s tonight, but the season finale was last week and MY-OH-MY! I still can’t stop thinking about it. Why did they do that to us?

4. I want to eat this sandwich every day for lunch.

5. Is anyone going to see Battleship this weekend? We haven’t been to a movie since Caleb was born, but I am dying to see this movie. I honestly have no idea what it is about, but two words: Taylor Kitsch. He will always be Tim Riggins to me. He is my dream man. My one and only-besides Josh that is:) Oh-and did you see he cut his hair? I am still fond of his long locks, but I will take Riggs however I can get him:)

6. I’m not crafty, but if I was, I would make these DIY Chalkboard Conversation Bubble Cookie Jars.

7. We started giving Caleb his baths in our kitchen sink. Don’t worry-we clean it before and after:) He LOVES it!

8. My dad is visiting this week from Illinois. We are going to make his famous cinnamon rolls! He’s the best dad in the world. The end.


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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That On the Side

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  1. love this! oh man… those pics of caleb just kill me. so sweet. and thanks for sharing my grilled cheese. 🙂

  2. I like this new feature, this first one is great! I looked at that sandwich, oh dear I need one soon! And Caleb having his bath in sink, too sweet, I use to bathe both mine in kitchen sink, I miss those days! I do enjoy your blog!

  3. I bathed both of my kids in the kitchen sink and now my grandsons bath there. When my now 19 yr old was a toddler he would get so dirty and sweaty playing outside that a sink bath was mandatory before lunch and nap. He hates when I tell that story.

  4. I can’t wait to try those chips, thank you!

    I loved bathing my kids in the sink–no aching backs, easy access to the water. It was awesome. 🙂

  5. Ok, now you made me want to know what happened in Grey’s…
    Caleb is adorable! I bathed mine in the sink too, it just seemed a lot easier than filling the whole bath tub.

  6. Ahhhh…this will be fun!! I love babes-in-kitchen-sink photos, Caleb is such a cutie!

  7. Awesome, I really enjoy this type of posts! And your boy is SO lovely!

  8. I love anything Trader Joe’s 🙂 I’ll be in Salt Lake in October, so let me know if you need me to bring out a case of these chips, lol. but seriously!

    1. You are so kind! I might have to take you up on your offer:) I love TJ’s!

  9. Nice to have “another” place to just say whatever, right? Like when I want to talk about books or Maxi dresses, lol… I can’t really do that on my food stream! You’ll love being able to have this section of your site. Random fun!

    1. I’ve had our On the Side page for awhile where I post about non food topics. This and That will be a weekly feature (hopefully) about all of the random things we want to talk about!

  10. The sweet potato tortilla chips sound intriguing. Do they add sweet potato to the corn, or are they just like sweet potato chips? Hmmmm…

  11. I discovered those chips whe I went to tj’s about 6 pm on cinco de mayo and all the other varieties of tortilla chips were gone. They were even out of tortillas so I couldnt make my own even if I wanted to. I’m so glad I got them.they are oh soooooooo delicious.

  12. My rose bushes are in full bloom as well! They’re so pretty. ^_^ I’m afraid to watch Battleship because the premise of the movie seems horrible. It has nothing to do with the game at all!

  13. love this! those chips make me wish we had a Tj’s.

    we have yellow roses, too! they’re so pretty right now.

  14. What a fun idea, Maria! And that Caleb – could he be any cuter?!? What a doll.

  15. My dad is visiting too!!! Although, he’s coming out to help us rebuild our porch…better make him some cinnamon rolls! 🙂 I love posts like this and cuuuute Caleb!

  16. Love the new feature, I always like these types of posts. I’m not crafty (at ALL) either, but I love those cookie jars! And I love that you give Caleb baths in the kitchen sink! There are so many pictures my mom has of me sitting in the kitchen sink for a bath, just like the ones above. Love it!

  17. Those chips are delicious. I know what you mean.

    Fun new feature! And have fun with your dad this weekend!

  18. I am with you on the Riggins thing – while Taylor Kitsch definitely looks better with long hair, there’s no denying that body!

  19. I started my food blog because I had so many recipes posted on my family blog. Kind of opposite but similar to your situation. Adorable baby in the sink alert!! I believe it is Avery brand labels come in chalkboard variety. I recently switched to all large clear majon-type jars for canisters and I want to label them with these. Very cute!

  20. i love everything you wrote about in this blog! and caleb is adorable!!! i sure can tell he loves his bathtime! aren’t babies so much cuter when they’re in the bathtub? i love giving my two year old nephew, gavin, his bath! he has such an awesome time in the tub!

    have a fantastic memorial day weekend holiday and enjoy your time with your dad and those cinnamon rolls! yummy!!! <3

  21. Baths in the kitchen sink! 🙂 When I was a baby, my mom would do that every once in a while. He is so adorable!

  22. I LOVE these sorts of features on my favorite food blogs! While all your recipes are so awesome, it’s so nice to see part of YOU, outside of what you do in the kitchen. Can’t wait to hear more!

  23. I will forever be in love with Tim Riggins, and will go see Battleship as well, just to see him in action! Who cares what the rest of the movie is about:)

    Caleb is a cute!

  24. I bought those chips once. I’ll never buy them again, unless I’m prepared to eat the entire bag, in 1 sitting. They’re too good!
    Tim Riggins.Gush. Sigh. Blush. OK, random, the pastors daughter in season 1, her name is Waverly. WEIRD!
    Caleb, he’s too cute, waaaay too cute!!!

  25. LOL i can tell i will love these! caleb looks SO CUTE in your sink! super adorable! And Trader Joe’s has lots of addicting chips. Unfortunately for my jeans…

  26. I loveloveLOVE TJ’s sweet potato tortilla chips. Wish I hadn’t finished my bag last week… guess I know where I’m going tomorrow.

  27. You absolutely made my day! Thank you for featuring the cookie jars. Eran is right, they do have an already made chalkboard Avery label, but I couldn’t find them in our town- such a bummer!

    I really love this feature! I am hoping to do a bit more of that this summer with Instagram photos and such. You are inspiring me (as always)! xoxo

    1. My pleasure to feature your cookie jars! You are so talented and always inspire me! xo

  28. Okay, DEF need to try those chips.

    I just finished watching Grey’s this afternoon. I’m not going to be able to breathe properly until next season. It’s going to be a very suffocating summer.

  29. Ohh love this section – i agree wit you on Gray’s Anatomy and the pictures of Celeb are so cute. I can’t wait to bath Ella in the sick – the turns 3 month on Saturday time just flies.

  30. Maria, you can make those jars really easy. Martha Stewart sells the chalkboard labels at Staples and possibly Michael’s. They should stick to a glass jar just fine but you could use some extra adhesive that will bind better. That’s my idea of crafty. Simple and easy!

  31. Your pictures of Caleb remind me of many of the pics my mom has of me and my siblings in our kitchen sink years ago! So easy! lol Cute.

  32. I’m tempted to see Battleship just b/c of Taylor. I started Friday Night Lights on Netflix this year, just finished up season 3 and I love it! Though it seems everyone is graduating so who will they be bringing on?

  33. I love reading your blog and the recipes are fantastic. And I enjoy seeing Caleb’s cute little face! Just remember they grow so fast and soon they’ll be leaving to college. I hated hearing that when my daughter was young and I promised myself I’d never repeat it, but hey I said it. She is on an internship in Seattle this summer! Weather is cold so bundle up. I’m going to try making your Dad’s cinnamon rolls this weekend.