Easy Peach Butter
Updated March 26, 2019
Easy Peach Butter-when life gives you lots of peaches, make this simple peach butter! It is great on toast, pancakes, waffles, or stirred into oatmeal or yogurt!
Maxwell is a pretty good sleeper. I usually feed him around 2:00 a.m. and 5:00-6:00 a.m. Once I am done feeding, Josh takes the baby and puts him back to sleep. Josh and Maxwell have no trouble falling back asleep after the 5:00-6:00 feeding, but it is hard for me to go back to sleep. I am a morning person and once the clock strikes 5:00, I am up for the day…even if I am super tired.
Last week, I was up at the crack of dawn feeding the babe and I was going to go back to bed, but the pile of peaches on our kitchen table started staring me down. They wouldn’t let me go to sleep until I did something with them:) So, I made homemade Peach Butter. It made sense at the time, but looking back I should have ignored the peaches and got some shut eye. Except, then we wouldn’t have any peach butter and I LOVE peach butter so the lack of sleep was worth it!
I wasn’t planning on blogging about this recipe because it is so easy, but I shared a photo on Instagram and several people asked for the recipe, so here you go! I aim to please!
Speaking of pleasing, we need your feedback. We post recipes on our blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It’s been that way FOR-EVER…saying that in my best Sandlot voice:) We also post a weekly lifestyle post on Thursdays, This and That.
Ok, back to the peach butter! This recipe is super simple, I basically made it in my sleep. I think I had one eye open:) Peach butter is great on toast, pancakes, waffles, stirred into oatmeal, yogurt, or even as an ice cream topping. Vanilla ice cream with peach butter…yes, please!
I just made a small batch for us to enjoy, but if you are into canning you can double, triple, or quadruple the recipe and do some major canning!
Put your peaches to good use and make a batch of Easy Peach Butter! It is so good!

Easy Peach Butter
- 6 cups chopped peaches skin and pits removed
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar more or less depending on sweetness of peaches, adjust to your taste
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Place the chopped peaches in a large pot. Stir in the sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice. Heat the mixture over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to make sure the mixture doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract.
- Using an immersion blender, puree the peach mixture until desired consistency. I like to leave a few small chunks, but you can puree it until perfectly smooth if desired. If you don't have an immersion blender, you can use a blender or food processor. Let the peach butter cool to room temperature and transfer the peach butter to a blender or food processor and puree.
- Let the peach butter cool completely. Pour into jars and store in the refrigerator. It will keep for about two weeks.
- Note-this peach butter can be canned. Peach butter is great on toast, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, stirred into oatmeal, yogurt, or used as an ice cream topping!
Have you tried this recipe?
Leave a comment below and share a photo on Instagram. Tag @twopeasandpod and hashtag it with #twopeasandtheirpod
I would miss the recipes if you cut back. Actually I would love it if you posted something everyday and I definitely wouldn’t want you to stop doing the This & That. Having said that, I know you are very busy so I appreciate whatever you can do.
Don’t stop This & That – and definitely yes to putting it on the main page.
Life balance changes so why don’t you take the pressure off and drop to two recipes per week and, if you find you have time on the odd week post three and take that as a ‘win’. If in the future when you have a more established routine and want to go back to three then all well and good.
Giveaways don’t bother me as I’m a reader from the UK and they usually don’t cover non-US readers so I would normally just delete.
I love your current format. I hate to sound like the curmudgeon, but would like to see the lifestyle kept to the This and That post like you do now. The recipes are really why I get your newsletter. It’s your blog, though, so do what feels right to you.
I really look forward to your recipe posts and would be sad if the schedule was cut back. I agree with Marla that I would be perfectly thrilled with daily posts! 🙂 However, I know that life can get very busy with 2 young children, so I will continue to follow and support you whatever you decide.
I love your current format of posting MWF. I also love your this and that posts! This peach butter sounds amazing and I have peaches to use…score!
I post 4 recipes a week with 1 kid and most weeks I am so stretched and scrambling! I honestly dont know how you post 5 times a week and 3 are recipes with 2 kids under the age of 3!! You are amazing Maria! Do what you need to do to keep your sanity, even if that means dropping a recipe post temporarily!
I want to eat this peach butter with a spoon!
I think your blog is great the way it is now, it is not overwhelming but we get great content and recipes. I do enjoy your this and that posts, it makes your blog more personal, but I think they are best left in the separate section since your blog is mainly a food blog. Yours is one of the couple I read everytime there is a new recipe!
I enjoy the format you currently have. I love your This and That blogs because it’s so fun “growing ” right along with your family and I have certainly enjoyed watching Caleb grow up (although, sad to see him off to preschool).
Not that big of a fan of giveaways, so a lack of those wouldn’t disappoint.
Congrats on Maxwell. He is sooo cute and he and Caleb together are an adorable combo! You have such a sweet family, so anything you can share is great!
I still haven’t tried making peach butter. Although we love apple butter. Must try soon. Pinned.
I say do what works best for your family. I feel the same way though. Cutting back feels horrible. But I also know my family is more important than my blog. So over the summer when the kids were home I did only what I could manage and I enjoyed my time with them.
There’s no harm in scaling back to 2 recipes a week for a just a little while while they are young so you can enjoy them. They do grow so quickly! Mine are 12, 10 and 6 now. Blessings!
Happy Friday Maria!
I made it yesterday, it’s awesome and so easy.
Your blog is my favorite! I love your blog JUST the way it is! I like 3 recipes a week (and have made more from your site than any other I will add!) and I enjoy the this and that…but would not like to see more lifestyle or less recipes…IOW…I like the balance the way it is now :-). Thanks! And this peach butter looks fabulous!
Hi, I enjoy reading whatever you post. I do have a question about canning the peach butter. How long would you process it and in what size jars? I am new to canning, and I’m not sure how to complete the processing part. Thanks!
Sounds good. Thanks Maria. You do what you have to do to survive your very busy time now. I appreciate whatever you can do.
Thank you for this recipe! I got a huge case of peaches this summer and made every recipe you can think of. How long does the peach butter last in the fridge?
It will keep for 2-3 weeks in the fridge.
You do what you have to do for your family. Family comes first! If you need to cut back, I will miss the recipes, but totally understand. Having two little ones is a lot to handle. I had 3 children less than 4 years apart and I remember those days and I miss those precious times, too. Enjoy every minute!!
Love reading This and That, look forward to it each week!!
Life circumstances are continually changing which means the blog changes that’s the beauty of blogging! Do what is good for you and your family at this time, I have a feeling the changes will be for the better!
Hi, love your blog and your family is beautiful! Peach butter sounds so delicious, can it be frozen? Thanks
Yes, you can freeze this!
Considering that I entered one of the busiest seasons of life this past year and have struggled with keeping up with blogging I can totally relate and encourage you to do what works for YOU. Everyone will adapt 🙂 babies are babies for a quick second and you will find your schedule changing as both kids keep growing up, this I learned this year and has been a reality check 🙂
This peach butter looks incredible – I’ve never had peach butter!
The recipe looks yummy!! Have you canned this before?? If yes, do you have directions?
Thank you!!
You can can peach butter, but I haven’t tried it because I don’t do canning. I am sure you could follow the basic instructions for other fruit butters?
i love the This and That posts! They are the perfect amount of lifestyle and personal opinion pieces!
Love This and That look forward to your recipes and would really miss 3 a week, we would not mind baby pictured in recipe while cooking if that’s what it’s take for final photo’s. Can be stressful but seems you have a wonderful husband and with Caleb at preschool if you car pool you’ll have a window. I did this many moons ago but used it for cleaning and animal chores. Things will get easier pack the little one in a snuggly to stay close like the wraps that you can wear front or back. Take care of your lovely family.
I love your blog – I enjoy the lifestyle posts and your recipes are awesome. That said, I would totally continue to subscribe to your blog if you cut back to 2 recipes a week. I get how much time and effort it takes to do a blog post. Cut back while the babies are little – nothing lasts forever! You can always go back to 3 per week when life is less busy – believe me, that time will come.
Oh my, your peach butter looks like something worth losing sleep over! Sleep is highly overrated, anyway, right? I’m definitely going to try this!
Yum! This sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to try it!
LOVE this recipe ~ would spread it on everything!
Yeah, it’s pretty tough with a newborn. My thoughts– do what works best for you. If you push it, everyone suffers and so does the content–at least that’s what I’ve learned. Good content keeps readers (despite frequency), okay content drives readers to other blogs with good content.
I think I echo a lot of people’s comments – love that you post 3 recipes a week, but if you need to cut back to 2, you definitely have a good reason for doing so. Your blog will be fantastic with 2 recipes a week or 3.
This peach butter looks amazing – peaches are my favorite fruit! You mention canning the peach butter – what about freezing it? Have you ever done that? Thanks Maria!
This and That is my favorite post of the week! I will make some peach butter with peaches we picked this week. I will freeze what I make since I still have apricot refrigerator jam in the frig.
Maybe a compromise – two new recipes a week, but one compilation of previous blogs based on a topic or ingredient – ex. apples. So you wouldn’t have to create new recipes for those & you could write them ahead of time when you have a break (yeah right – with two little ones). Other bloggers such as David at Leite’s Culinaria use this approach to increase the number of postings. Take care of yourself.
Oh, that looks beautiful. I LOVE jam/fruit butter recipes with very little sugar. I never bother to peel anything, though, so you’re a champ for going to the trouble. 🙂
To answer your questions, yes, I do enjoy the This and That posts and read them every single week. I like that you and Josh both write and contribute to them and it’s fun to see your little family chugging along.
I like your current schedule, BUT, if you do cut back I will be happy knowing you are getting to spend more time with your men and recover from your pregnancy. I hate to think of you wearing yourself out trying to keep up. You are your own boss and don’t have to worry about pleasing anybody at this particular time in your life, so let yourself off the hook. Do as much as you feel up to and no more. If you try it out for awhile and find you don’t like it, you can always try something else. Everyone will understand, and those who don’t, maybe don’t belong here anyway. (Sorry to be blunt.) I vote yes, you should cut back your schedule if that’s what is good for you right now. I’ll still be here, whatever you decide to do.
I use the recipe from Joy of Cooking and put the whole mess in the oven on low until it is thick enough. yum-tastic! making some today. 🙂
I like the format you have now, keeping it mainly recipes and the other sections separate. I do love you This and That, though. It adds a personal connection. Your first priority has to be your sanity and your family. People will get over it if you drop to two recipes a week and fewer posts. I don’t know how you do it, anyway…I have a hard time keeping up with the recipes as it is! Your babies are small for a very short time. You can always bump your schedule back up when they get more independent.
I LOVE your recipes and gorgeous pictures, and I’d be thrilled to see a new recipe every day! However, I, too, am a busy Mama, and your kids are much more important than my eye candy (your food pics!), so what about cutting down to two recipes a week plus one This and That type post each week. I’d love it!! I’ll still be here regularly! Keep up the good work – as chef, photographer AND Mum!
Your readers will always be here and come back for more, so I say enjoy your family and sanity while theyre young. Having 2 kids under the age of 4 myself, I completely understand and dont know how you do it! I love your recipes, this and that, etc, your blog is one I always come back to due to the quality of the recipes, beautiful photos, honesty and down to earthness of your writing. Do what you feel best bc whatever it is, we love it!!
I say do what is best for your family, because those sweet kids grow up SO fast!! I’ve been loving posting 2 recipes a week and it was well received by my readers when I cut back. Like what Naomi said, quality over quantity. xox
Peach butter??? You’re blowing my mind!! Genius.
This looks absolutely delicious!! I would spread it on all the bread!
Quality over quantity, I think, because you seem to have a solid readership right now. (Also, I’ll be honest, since I follow lots of food blogs I am SO behind on making things I want to try!)
yum! can you tell me why it’s called butter when there is none in the recipe? I’ve always been confused with that and apple butter.
I think 2 recipe posts/week is plenty! i love all that you post, but two wouldn’t hurt my feelings one bit.
Good question. I am guessing because it spreads like butter or you can use it like butter? I am just guessing though:)
I love the recipes 3 days a week but that being said I totally understand if you have to cut back. I also like that you keep your personal life in a separate area. There is one blogger who actually contributes nothing to people and shares very ridiculous information about her family and I always wonder why I continue to read her blog!
Congrats on the new baby, too, he’s adorable.
Whatever you and Josh have time for on the blog is fine with me – your health, babies and hubby have to take center stage:) I do love the current format – would not mind if you move the This and That to the front page if it’s easier for you. Two recipes a week would be fine:)….seriously whatever works best for you!
What a lovely peach butter Maria!! Do what feels right to you with your schedule! Being a mom is soooo much work! Your readers will love you no matter what 🙂 Happy Friday! xo
Hi Maria,
We like your current format but whatever changes you feel you need to make will be fine with us. More “This & That ” will be welcome, as will only two recipes. We love reading about your lives and kids. We have a son and daughter and five grand kids so that may influence our perspective a bit. Bottom line, we always look forward to your posts, whatever they may be.
Your blog is great just like it is! When you have two children you have too set your priorities and family always comes first.
LOVE your blog….stayed away from these as incessant chatter becomes tiresome, but yours (hubby and wife) is sweet, clear, concise, and a true pleasure to read.
Made the recipe right away and added two over ripe pears to the mixture….delicious!
Maria, I love so many of your recipes and will continue to turn to the index anytime I have a craving for a delicious, nutritious recipe as well as excellent cookies and desserts that my family will love. We just had the grilled chicken pineapple tacos the other night and they tasted wonderful! I also love reading the this and that section, and have enjoyed the pictures of your sweet new baby–I’d like them to be more front and center since I live in Davis county and do quite a few things on the weekend in Salt Lake–like shopping at Trader Joe’s. Certainly do what you need to do to take care of your boys; we will be fine with fewer posts, just don’t take the blog down because I use it as a resource every week. Your recipes and photos are to die for. Thanks so much for sharing.
So excited to try the Peach Butter!
I can’t imagine how much time it would take to maintain a blog. I would say do whatever is best for you and your family – the rest will work itself out. 🙂 I know you would like opinions from your readers, so: I only keep up with about 4 cooking blogs, they usually post MWF (but I wouldn’t feel badly at all if you cut back!) – I literally type in the blog name, look at the picture and skim through the first paragraph in about 10 seconds then on to the next blog, unless it is a recipe that I want to try. So- pictures are key (yours are great!) and I love the summary you give under the picture. Brief posts are great (usually shorter the better at this phase in my life). 🙂 I love “themes” – for instance weeks dedicated to meals with 5 ingredients or less, ethnic food month, kids helping in the kitchen, etc.
Simplicity is good! One blog I used to keep up with has started to do a lot of giveaways and business/marketing type stuff – I liked the blog better when it was more recipe-focused. I do think occasional giveaways keep interest of some readers though.
Love your recipes. Love that you asked for opinions. Do whatever is best for you. 🙂 And congrats on the beautiful addition to your family.
Love you recipes but take the time off. Your health and family should come first.
Have never tasted peach butter but this sounds so good. A freeze got all of the local peaches around here.
This looks amazing!! I would put it in a milkshake!! Yum!
I need to ry this ASAP! So delicious!
My husband will love me forever if I make this…and we have a ton of peaches to get rid of…perfect timing, thanks!
I agree with “Roni’s” philosophy “What-You-Can-When-You-Can” I love reading your blog, but will enjoy whatever you can do. I love the Recipes and “This n’ That” and would certainly enjoy hearing more about your family and the new baby on that blog….do what feel comfortable for you and your family. No mater what I will continue to be a faithful reader….Enjoy that wonderful family you have, they grow up and out so soon…….Hugs
I so enjoy your website! I think all your followers can feel the love and effort you put into your work. But…with that said…do what you need to do and do not feel one ounce of guilt in the decision you make. You may need to cut back, get your bearings for awhile and then be able to kick it up a notch later. But listen to your head and heart…whatever you decide will be fine with us!
I love your blog. I have made many of your recipes over the years. But, your family comes first. Cutting back to 2 recipes a week will be fine. You can increase as your family needs change. Take care and enjoy your little ones, they are only little for a very short time.
I love This & That so please keep posting that. If you need to cut back on recipes I understand but love seeing the ones you do. I make a lot of them and go back to the older ones all the time. My favorite is your Chicken & Rice Soup, really good. Just do what you do and blog when you can, I love reading it.
Great recipe! Paired it with goat cheese on crackers. Yum!
I like the three recipes a week, but I have a 13 month old and understand that doing three per week can be a lot to juggle. What if it were to be 1 a week that is always a salad or sandwich – something that is an interesting and tasty idea, but not necessarily a “recipe” with exact measures or even instructions?
I know that This and That comes on Thursdays but to be honest I never noticed that your recipes were on a regular Monday/Wed/Fri schedule. I am always happy to see them in my inbox but I’m not keeping score 🙂 So do what you can, when you can, and don’t feel guilty about cutting back if that makes sense for you right now. I’m so behind on recipes anyway! And thank you.
This looks amazing! I would have never thought of making peach butter… I am intrigued!
Could this be made with frozen peaches? I usually freeze some, and it would be great to make this recipe this winter!
This is going on my must-try list!
If only I had the will power to get up and make peach butter; it looks fabulous!
OMG – this is azaming! So simple, yet so freaking delicious!! I made a batch Saturday evening, then had it rolled up in crepes w/greek yogurt for breakfast. Thank you for sharing!!!
This post just makes me so excited for Christmastime. I am making jam (and now peach butter too!) and homemade bread for some friends this year.
I was wondering if the sugar could be replaced with honey in this recipe?
I love whatever you dish out. I didn’t even realize you had a schedule aside from knowing the I enjoy This and That every Thursday morning and I know right where to find them should I miss it. I use your recipes all the time and will take them as often as you can give but would never ask you to put those babies down for us! If you don’t get to it today, we will all just have to wait til tomorrow. Just like the old poem says, keep rocking that baby, because babies don’t keep!!
Babies are babies for the blink of an eye, and so few of us get the chance to enjoy it. You do what you have to do during this very short time (relative to life) to take care of your boys and yourself. Work life balance is so difficult, but you know when it feels right (or doesn’t). Plus you are in one of the hardest/sweetest parts right now. 6 months from now everything will be different and way more normal, and you will be like “where did that tiny baby go!!?”
Your family comes first! So do what works best for you and your family to be happy and healthy. I subscribe by email, so I see every post (the way I like it!) and get the newsletter. It wouldn’t bother me in the least if the “This & That” posts were on the main page. I’d say if you did move it there – to still corral them in a location for readers to revert back to if they can’t remember a link or something you posted in that. Love all of the recipes you post – including the kid posts!
Just made 5 batches of this recipe (also have a peach tree that is raining peaches on me right now) and it is DELISH!!!!! And it is beyond easy to make (I also have a newborn girl 07/31). Thank you for the amazing post and congrats on your new little one:)
So glad you liked the recipe! Congrats on your little girl!
Babies are babies for such a short time. Post only two recipes a week and spend the extra time with your babies. Write a note at least a couple of times a week in a journal about each child. I regret that I did not do so when my children were young.
I don’t ever read this or that but enjoy receiving your recipes. Maybe giving an option on subscribing that people can choose.
Do remove the peach skins along with the seeds?
Hello! On my 3rd batch of peach butter in 2 days. Pretty much had it going before finding your recipe…but was going for peach puree. We live on the Western Slope in Colorado (Palisade Peaches) and someone is always bringing their “extras” over to share! It’s deelish! Thanks
So happy you are enjoying the peach butter!
This looks like a great way to use up the end of summer peaches! Do you think this peach butter would freeze ok?
Confusing. You puree hot then cool then ouree again?
Can you freeze the Peachtree after making it?
Wondering if I could leave the peels on and use a food mill to process the peaches instead of an immersion blender? I usually do this for applesauce (actually, with applesauce, I don’t even remove the seeds because the food mill catches those too!) but not sure if the peach peel is too soft and may end up in the end product? Thanks in advance!
Skin on or off the peaches? I’m thinking off! I’m going to make this today
Yes, skin removed! Enjoy!
Ok, I have to ask – why is it called Peach Butter when butter is not an ingredient? Sounds delish though!
There is no butter in the recipe:) It is called peach butter because of the rich, smooth, buttery texture…kind of like apple butter but with peaches.
I love fruit butters. When you can your butters, do you use a hot water bath?
Can you substitute apricots for peaches
Can you substitute apricots
I haven’t tried it, but if you love apricots, I am sure it would work. Just a different flavor.
I canned nectarines, pineapple and candied ginger …turned out fantastic
I love making the butter mainly because it uses less sugar and very simple to make.
Delicious, I substituted granulated sugar and lemon juice for honey and lime juice ‘cause that’s what I had. I didn’t use an immersion blender; my peaches were overly ripe so I just squished them with a fork and left it a little chunky. Thank you for this recipe!
Would this work with peaches that I have frozen?
How you can the speech better
This peach butter was amazing!! I stirred it in plain Greek yogurt and then added granola. It tasted as if I were eating peach crisp! I also made some homemade sweet rolls and, instead of putting brown sugar and cinnamon in the middle, I spread peach butter on the dough and then rolled it up. Super! I’m glad you woke at five and concocted this recipe 🙂
How much does this make?
Can this be frozen?
And what is process time if canning?
Can it be water bath canned
How many pints does this make?
This is delicious! Thanks so much for sharing.
Totally off the wall question here- but can you substitute the peach butter for ‘normal’ butter in a cookie recipe? Or, to be more concise, how would you incorporate this into a cookie that ended up like a Toll House chocolate chip cookie texture NOT CAKEY? I ended up with a flat of the most humongous peaches and all the cookie recipes I have tried thus far have had two problems. #1 CAKEY. (Bleh! I wasn’t looking for a muffin recipe…. )
and #2 peach flavor dissipates to almost nothing. Sigh!
I haven’t tried using the peach butter in a cookie. It is similar to applesauce and not real butter. I am guessing it will make cookies super moist and cakey.
It sounds wonderful. I’m new at this and need the canning instructions. 🙁
I’d follow instructions from ball for their peach butter on the canning time
Really easy. Taste so delicious
Made this recipe with 28lbs of peaches added a little ginger canned made 32 pints of peach butter delicious !
Is peach butter thick enough that it can be used as a cake filling?
I haven’t tried it as a cake filling.
I have not tried this recipe for cake filling. However, I do a lot of raspberry filling for cakes. I use seedless raspberry preserves with raspberry jello. I warm the preserves and add the jello. Spread the warm mixture over each cake layer. It is wonderful.
do you have the receipe for canning the peach butter
I don’t because I am not a canner:) I know others have canned it though.
I went strictly by recipe and I found it too runny and not thick enough. Taste good though.
Be sure to let it fully reduce for best results. Really good with cheese!
I love this simple recipe with less sugar than others out there. I like to taste the peaches goodness so I left out the cinnamon and vanilla. I doubled recipe and got 4 pints.
wonderful recipe
Delicious peach butter Thank you!!! I used possibly a half cup of cane sugar and filled 6 jars! Great way to enjoy the wonderful flavor of peaches year round. I did water bathe them! Jarred sunshine❤️
Such a great, easy recipe, perfect way to use peaches that are a little past their prime! At the end I felt like it needed a little “something” but I didn’t want to add more sugar–a good pinch of kosher salt was exactly right. I’ve got a pot of nectarines simmering right now, should be just as good.
Yes! I love using the not so perfect peaches for this recipe.