Strawberry Nutella Milkshake

By Maria Lichty

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It’s hot and all I want to do is eat ice cream. Ok, I won’t eat ice cream for every meal. I know I need a better balanced diet than that. I will mix it up and drink a Strawberry Nutella Milkshake. Strawberries and milk are involved so it can’t be that bad for me:) Hey, don’t judge, after you taste this Strawberry Nutella Milkshake you will want to be sipping away with me. Every day. All day.

I fell in love with the strawberry and Nutella combo when I made Strawberry Nutella Muffins. They are amazing! I knew I couldn’t go wrong by creating a Strawberry Nutella Milkshake. Adding ice cream is always a good idea, especially when it is 100 degrees outside.

There are only four ingredients needed to make this glorious milkshake-milk, strawberries, ice cream, and Nutella. Throw everything in the blender and blend until creamy and smooth. You can serve the milkshake plain with no bells and whistles, but I like to go all out. I and add a big spoonful of Nutella to the bottom of my glass. I pour the Strawberry Nutella shake over the creamy Nutella and top the shake with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. I love sipping up little chunks of Nutella and it is a nice surprise at the end.

Cool down and treat yourself to a Strawberry Nutella Milkshake. Grab a straw and get slurping! Just don’t tell your mom I told you to slurp. Manners schmannners!

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Strawberry Nutella Milkshake

A thick and creamy milkshake made with milk, strawberries, vanilla ice cream, and Nutella. Garnish with whipped cream and sprinkles and start sipping!
4.34 from 3 votes


  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 2 big scoops of vanilla ice cream
  • 1/4 cup Nutella
  • Whipped cream sprinkles, and extra Nutella, optional for serving


  • 1. Add milk, strawberries, vanilla ice cream, and Nutella to a blender. Blend until smooth.
  • 2. Add a spoonful of Nutella to the bottom of a large glass. Pour the milkshake into the glass. Garnish with whipped cream and sprinkles. Serve immediately.

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. Okay so I’ll have ice cream for breakfast and this shake for lunch and dinner…that seems balanced, right? 😛

  2. I’m the last person to judge! This milkshake looks so so amazing. I have nutella and berries…I’m tempted to make one now!

  3. This looks SO delicious! Perfect for all this hot weather we’ve been having, I’m drooling on my keyboard right now! 🙂

  4. Because Nutella contains hazelnuts and skim milk powder, I would totally tout it as a healthy ingredient! Always looking for ways to rationalize using chocolate.

  5. Is there anything more satisfying than a milkshake? They’re so easy and so delicious! This combination sounds fantastic.

  6. I hear you…we’ve been enjoying shakes in the heat, too. Yours are so fun and pretty!

  7. I loved the strawberry nutella muffins and I know I will love this milkshake just as much!

  8. I have been on a major strawberry kick lately, so I’m super excited about these! Look delicious!

  9. I have to admit I went and bought the ingredients for this on my lunch break and had this for lunch today. It was quite scrumpdelicious!!

  10. I love nutella and i use it all the time. I just made this and its amazing! I did make one change, left out the milk and added 1 can of yoohoo chocolate milk!. It was really good! Try it out.

  11. I just made this!! OMG so yummy… though i might have gone a bit overboard with the nutella.. but i guess there’s nos such thing as too much nutella! Love your blog!

  12. Never thought I’d say this but that’s too much Nutella! A little goes a long way, and I like the strawberry flavor to come through more

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