This and That

By Maria Lichty

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1. I have severe allergies, asthma, and eczema. I have been a crazy parent worried about our baby Caleb inheriting some of my ailments. I was sick and had to go to the doctor and and asked him about Caleb having allergies. He told us to bring him in for a quick skin test. We did the test on Monday and great news so far Caleb has no allergies. Such a big relief!

2. I’m excited I get to go to a Ute road game this year. I will be going to the Utes vs. UCLA on Saturday. Go Utes!

3. Caleb crawled around the corner and got real quite. So we peaked and saw he had climbed into the basket of his stroller. He was cracking up and having a blast. Top right is my favorite of our little ham. I love being a Dad to this righteous little duder.


1. Grey’s is so depressing this season. I don’t know if I can continue watching. Ok, it’s been depressing for a long time, but I keep getting sucked in. I don’t know if my heart can take it anymore. If tonight’s episode leaves me down in the dumps I may have to boycott the show. Maybe.

2. It might be too cold for ice cream, but not for these popcorn ice cream cones!

3. I finally got the new iPhone 5! I went with white to mix things up a bit. I am loving it! And I just ordered the cutest case from Cuptakes! What are your favorite iPhone apps? Any new ones I should add to my fancy new phone?

4. This pumpkin cake is amazing. Almost too pretty to eat!

5. This sweater looks sooooo cozy!

6. So you know I love all things pumpkin. Well, have you seen the new Pumpkin Spice Bagel Thins from Thomas? They also have regular bagels and English Muffins. They are a limited edition so you better hurry and find them!

7. Make your refrigerator pretty with these DIY Fridge Mats.

8. We can’t get enough of this dish! It’s easy, tasty, and Caleb loves it.

9. We are in California for an event with Dole at Disneyland. And tomorrow we are headed to the Montage Beverly Hills for a weekend vacation! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all of our trip updates!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That On the Side

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  1. Ugh, Grey’s is soooooooo depressing! I’m with you on maybe boycotting…except I don’t know if I’m string enough 😉

  2. So glad Caleb has no allergies. He is such a cutie!! Did you know that allergies, asthma, and eczema were linked to inflammation and that inflammation can be controlled by diet? “It Starts with Food” by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig explains it all really well. There’s also some information on their website I and many others have tried their Whole30 eating plan with great results. I wrote about my experience at Check it all out and see what you think for yourselves.

  3. I think there’s no new Grey’s on tonight because of the VP Debates, so you have one more week to decide whether you’re going to boycott or not!

  4. Have a blast in Disneyland and then in Beverly Hills this weekend. Caleb is absolutely ah-dorable!

  5. Love the pictures! I also love reading what josh has to say about loving his father role! I’m with you about Grey….I don’t know how to get “un-sucked” from the show. If you’ve been a fan from the beginning, it feels like a big loss it you quit.

  6. I hate Grey’s this season but of course I will watch every episode. It isn’t on tonight though, Katie is right–debate night!

    Glad little Caleb doesn’t have allergies yet–must be such a relief!

  7. Thanks for the Cuptakes link. I just snagged a cute new case! Caleb is too CUTE. Love all your updates! Have a wonderful rest of your trip.

  8. You are so right about Grey’s. Every season I think “I’m not watching this anymore” and then they do something crazy like crash a plane and I get sucked right back in!

  9. Glad that Caleb doesn’t have allergies! I agree about Grey’s. It is very depressing and I am wondering if I should continue to watch it.

  10. Wait, it’s never too cold for ice cream! Just put on warmer clothes, do some jumping jacks to work up a sweat and then eat it!

  11. Did I tell you I talked to Katie Heigl last week? Grey’s was over when she left. You and I both know Parenthood is where its at.

  12. I just got the same phone but I’m not sure I love it. Boo. Perhaps a cute phone case will help 🙂

    Those pumpkin bagels are SO good but I can’t find the thin ones just the regular.

    Caleb is such a cutie!!

  13. Delightful post! Cyndi is right…allergies can be controlled by diet. I had asthma for 40 years, allergies for the past 20 years, recurring sinusitis and bronchitis. A bacterial infection led me to learn that it’s all about diet and maintaining an akaline system (mostly). Disease cannot live happily in an alkaline system. Avoid white sugar, flour, salt, processed and refined foods. Apple Cider Vinegar in baking soda every morning sets the alkaline system.

  14. Oh that sweater does look like a cloud to wear! Amazing! Oh that cake does look to pretty to cut into, but I would make an exception bc I need some pumpkin cake 😉

  15. So glad Caleb doesn’t have any allergies! And those cases on cuptakes are so cute!

  16. Ditto on Grey’s. The first episode of the season left me in a funk for days. Oi. Glad to hear your adorable little one is allergy-free. And thanks for the tasty links!