This and That

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1. Father’s Day was awesome, but every day is great with these little dudes. I love being a dad!

2. How to help.

3. Has anyone seen the new Incredibles movie? I want to take the boys.

4. Maxwell has been waking up at 5 am almost every morning and playing hard all day. He needs more sleep! We might try this to get him on a better sleep schedule for summer.

5. I’ve been riding my mountain bike a lot and yesterday I hiked Grandeur Peak with a friend. I love living so close to the mountains.


1. New this week, our favorite brownies and an easy recipe for the grill!

2. Have you tried these? A new favorite snack at our house. The boys love them.

3. I just bought this dress, on sale, and I love it!

4. So I haven’t had any sugar in over a week, well no desserts, treats, or added sugar. I am still eating fruit. It has actually been pretty easy. I even baked cookies for Josh for Father’s Day and didn’t have one. Sure, I wanted one, but it didn’t kill me not to have one:) I feel good, not amazing. I really haven’t noticed any crazy differences, especially with my skin and that is why I am doing this little no sugar experiment to see if helps my skin. Maybe it takes longer? Maybe sugar isn’t causing my skin problems? I don’t know. I am not going to go off sugar forever, but I am going to be eating less sugar. When dessert it worth it, I will partake. My job is food and life is too short to not eat cookies:)

5. Am I the only one still watching Nashville? There are only a few weeks left of the show so I can’t quit now.

6. I want a scoop!

7. The weather has been so nice in Salt Lake. We have been sleeping with our windows open every night, my favorite! It’s the little things:)

8. Today only sale and there are a few things I have my eye on! Cute simple summer dress, perfect pool dress, jean shorts, jacket, casual top, and $10 boyfriend tee.

9. Perfect for summer smoothies. We are currently sipping on this one.

10. Loving this lipstick and it’s a great price.

11. 5 Ways to Deal with Everday Stressors. Working on this:)

12. Do you have a 5 year plan?

13. My kind of burger!

14. The perfect summer guacamole!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That

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  1. Love the links you post for other folks recipes in your This and That post. My daughter loves the wake-up clock for her 3 year old! When she goes to sleep quickly they tell her she’s a super sleeper and give her a sticker. But it really helps with her not getting up until the light comes on in the morning and at nap time. It’s a great tool!

  2. Just to give you some food for thought, it takes the Whole30 program people almost 30 days to see a difference. It takes that long for your body to get rid of stuff. Hang in there and wait another week or two!

  3. Not sure what your face issues are but I developed some reddish marks on the sides of my face and it just looked stressed after having my children (youngest is approaching 4). I had to cut a lot of stuff out of my diet for medical reasons (sugar, gluten, dairy) and never noticed a difference in my face. I’ve been using a bunch of products from The Ordinary for the past few months and adding beef collagen in my shakes and I think something in there is helping because it has improved so much – spots and all! I wish you the best!

  4. I tried everything for my face, diet change, every product under the sun ,etc. Finally I went to a dermatologist. He said it was hormone related and put me on spironolactone and doxycycline, as well as a topical cream that helps with fine lines and wrinkles (I am in my early forties). I have been doing this for years and I almost never have a break out, never have redness, or sweat bumps or anything. My face looks better than ever and I wish I would have gone to him sooner! Just a suggestion. I know people hate the medicine route but sometimes you reach your breaking point. Hope this helps!

  5. You mentioned you are eliminating sugar to improve your skin. You may want to look into eliminating dairy to improve your skin. You can google it and ready many articles regarding the benefits to your skin by eliminating dairy.

  6. Maria, I can relate to the skin issue. I, too, thought it was a sugar thing but didn’t see a change by cutting down on the added sugar foods. I did a little research and tried going almost dairy-free. That is when I noticed a difference within about 1.5 – 2 weeks! Don’t get me wrong, I need regular cheese on a pizza or a cake needs milk or buttermilk but I don’t eat those things daily or even weekly. Just a thought 🙂

  7. We love our ok to wake clocks for my kiddos! They don’t usually go back to sleep if they wake up before it, but at least they stay quiet and resting.

  8. I can’t remember exactly what your skin issues are, but  when I was your age, I suffered from some moderate adult acne. I was instructed by my dermatologist to wash my face with Betadine (it is an anti-microbial and you can find it in the First Aid aisle) and to stop touching my face! It worked.

    Now I am in my sixties and my skin is very nice. I was my face with liquid Cetaphil and use Oil of Olay Total Effects. 

    Hope this helps.

  9. Thank you for sharing the link about how to help the children.  I have shared it to my Facebook page as well.

  10. I agree with what others have posted about eliminating dairy. It’s a game changer for most everyone with acne. I don’t recommend spironolactine. Messed up my hormones in a huge way.
    I’d highly suggest gut testing and find out what’s going on there (acne is linked to inflammation in the gut) as well as liver detox. Clearing up my gut inflections and clearing out my liver has reversed my adult acne! Takes work but it’s worth it. My practitioner is awesome if you want to check her out…

  11. Hi Maria, I thought I’d offer my two cents when it comes to skin issues. As I turned 40 I also moved from Alaska where the tap water is crystal clear and fresh  to WA where the tap water not so nice. Minerals and deposits destroyed my dishes, ruined plumbing fixtures and of course left horrible rings and build up in toilets. After 6 years here and skin issues that just never ever changed no matter the products, cheap or top of the line, diet elimination and every oniline recommendation. I finally had an aha moment where I realized maybe that destructive water was also ruining my skin! I purchased gallon jugs of distilled water and a squeeze ketchup style bottle and commited to washing only with that water. It’s combersome and slightly messy but I tell you within days my skin was fully recovered. I had years of reddness (cheeks especially)that just wouldn’t go away and chronic clogs and acne along jaw, temples, forehead etc. Since I changed to distilled only, I look younger, my skin is in my opinion near flawless and it no longer goes from extremes of dry to oily like it did with tap H20. In the shower as a rule I keep my face out of the water, washing before I begin my shower then rincing again with a squirt bottle of water after to be sure shampoo and water residu is gone. I realize it’s sounds like work but to me it’s just routine and part of my daily ritual so no big deal. The pay off is worth it. I generally use Purity but i able to use any facial wash and moisturizer now with good results. I’m also a cookie lover and wouldn’t dream of going a day without one… or 2 so I’m great full I didn’t have to give them up. This also helped my daughter but she also abstains from dairy at all times and eats minimal gluten due to other skin and stomach issues.
    Good luck to you. I hope you find your solution.