This and That

By Maria Lichty

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1. Summer continues to be a blast. Caleb and I enjoy eating plums on the porch together.

2. We went to a city pool with some family. They had a lazy river and a big slide. Caleb had a blast on the yellow slide, he even got mommy to go down it.


3. We went to see Despicable Me 2 and Caleb sat through the whole movie with the exception of standing up and dancing every now and then. It was his first movie at the theater and he did great!

donuts4. Yum Donuts!



1. I’ve eaten more than my fair share of guacamole this week. Someone please take the bowl away from me. I can’t stop!

2. So this is our 50th This and That post! What should we do to celebrate? Eat cookies? Ok, sounds good to me! Thanks for reading our ramblings every week!

3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffle Pie-I die!


4. I’ve been running a lot this summer and my body is mad at me. I decided it was time for a massage. Best decision ever.

5. A simple and happy breakfast!


6. Our basil is out of control! What should we make? Pesto is already on the agenda:)


7. Currently snacking on KIND Peanut Butter Whole Grain Clusters. They are amazing! Have you tried them? I also love KIND bars-they are great for healthy snacking on the go! I am taking an Almond & Coconut bar with me on the plane today!

8. Yep, I am traveling again! I am headed to Portland today for a trip with Kettle Chips. Make sure you follow me on Instagram for trip updates. I am flying solo, the guys are staying home this time. I will miss my guys, but I know they will enjoy some male bonding time:)

9. This ice cream needs to happen and soon!

10. Are you still looking for a Google Reader replacement? Try The Old Reader, BlogLovin, or Feedily! We don’t want you to miss a post!


11. Don’t forget to enter our Britax B-Ready Stroller Giveaway! And when did our sweet little pea turn into a boy? He’s getting too big!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That On the Side

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  1. Love that cutie pie Caleb — and that stroller!!!! I need to enter, I had my eye on those for awhile!!

  2. My basil is SO out of control too!! My little pea is 18 months now…. It really goes too fast!

  3. Love all the family pics!! Oh and I also need the chocolate chip cookies and cream ice cream in my life. Looks so good!

  4. The slide shot is so cute!

    And I’m thinking (all in the name of good avocados of course) that pesto guac could be good for the basil!

  5. Love all of the photos! Caleb is getting so big! I love KIND bars but haven’t tried the clusters. I saw your Instagram photo and immediately wanted to try them! They are on my shopping list. Thanks for sharing!

  6. This summer I’ve been adding a few basil leaves (ok, several because I’m addicted to the flavor) to my pitcher of ice water with lemon slices. It is so refreshing!!

  7. Ahh! I’m in Portland, too! Well, not. I’m in Oregon City which isn’t to far! We love Kettle Chips-Aaamazing!

  8. Love your blog! We live in the salt lake area and I didn’t know there were any city pools with a lazy river! Do you know which ones have fun features like that?

  9. What a cutie pie!! I’ve been living on guacamole too, just can’t get enough of it!

  10. Your basil looks wonderful! Lay one leaf on a clean, deveined shrimp and wrap in a piece of bacon. No other seasoning and grill. Delish!

  11. Hope you celebrated your 50th post by having a cookie, the only way to go. I love the Kind bars, they are really good. Love seeing the pictures of Caleb as he sure is cute!!!