This and That

By Maria Lichty

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1. The summer Olympics are almost here. I miss that baseball is not a part of the Olympics anymore, but I am still excited to watch. Let the games begin! Go team USA! What’s your favorite summer Olympic event to watch?

2.  My favorite thing about blogging conferences is that we get to meet up with our blogging friends. We have met so many wonderful people through this great medium. At EVO, we got to see our good friends, Sandy and Paul. Sandy blogs at Reluctant Entertainer and Paul is the founder and president of The Protectors.

The Protectors is a great organization that works to prevent bullying and rehab those who were bullied. As a parent and a youth leader in our neighborhood, I feel this issue is important. The Protectors may be something you want to recommend to your school, local religious leader and/or community leaders. Follow Paul’s website and blog, it has a wealth of information about how one person can make a difference. I’m grateful to know people like Sandy and Paul who are Protectors to all and I feel fortunate to know them.

3. Something not as serious as bullying. I need new disc brakes for my mountain bike. Anybody have any recommendations? SRAM Avid’s, Shimano, Formula, Hayes, Magura, or something else I haven’t even heard of?


1. Wow, what a busy week. I’ve been running around like crazy, but I can’t get caught up on life. I had a great time at the EVO Conference, but boy did it throw my schedule off…and Caleb’s too. He has been waking up 2-3 times in the night ever since we got home. Maybe we need to go on another vacation, he sleeps great in hotels.

2. When life is busy and you don’t have time to make lunch, grab a watermelon and a spoon.

3. I haven’t had time to bake this week. I know, sad! And these cookies are haunting me! I need to make them SOON!

4. Our neighbors apricot tree is overflowing with apricots and they were kind enough to share. I’ve been drying them like mad this week. I know they look kind of scary, but I promise they are tasty. These shriveled up apricots make a great snack!

5. Love this DIY laundry drying rack! Now I just need someone to make it for me…and someone to fold the laundry:)

6. This salad is on our dinner menu for tonight. I can’t wait!

7. Our plum tree is almost ripe! Please share your favorite plum recipes! I need ideas because we will be swimming in plums soon! Thanks!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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This and That On the Side

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  1. Sorry we don’t live a bit closer..I’d make that drying rack for you! I’ve made a couple for friends, not this exact design but very similar. Easy to do if you have the tools. Love all your recipes, and just adore the pictures of your sweet family! Caleb is so precious, someday I may be lucky to have a grandchild, but I’m not in a hurry either. LOL My 84 yr old Mom thinks Caleb is a jewel, she loved the soap beard!

  2. Thanks for the link! You need to make them 🙂
    EVO looked amazing, I need to get there next year!

  3. Josh- I love watching swimming and gymnastics.

    Maria- Agree- fruit makes awesome quick meals right now. I had watermelon as my main lunch dish yesterday ;). Mmmm those dried apricots sound fantastic

  4. Grabbing a watermelon and spoon has often been my lunches lately! So juicy and perfect right now. 🙂

  5. Plum Tatin. We made one years ago for dinner with friends and the 4 of us ate the whole thing! We also ended up with purple teeth ! We were laughing so hard about our lovely teeth and our teeth showed more and we laughed even more! We were so silly !We have made it again many times.

  6. I’ve made a plum salsa and served over grilled chicken before. I think Cooking Light had a version you could use or adapt. Enjoy!

  7. Josh – I am not a serious biker but both of our bikes have Shimano disk brakes, as we have been very happy with them. The bike repair guy where we bought hubby’s bike said had nothing but good things to say about Shimano.

  8. Fresh dried apricots???? I can’t even imagine. Totally agree about the watermelon. Rolos were my favorite childhood candy. Chocolate + caramel…mmmm

  9. Awww, YOU guys are amazing. One of our greatest gifts in life has been getting to know you both and now little Caleb. Thanks for featuring us here, and see you soon in Oregon!

  10. Oooh so jealous of your plum tree! Joe loves plums, so I’ll be looking forward to your recipes. Did you plant the tree yourself, or was it already in your yard?

    1. The plum tree was already in our yard when we bought the house. Lucky us:) Come get some…I wish:)

  11. I miss baseball too, as baseball has always been my favorite! However, I wish (like in the NBA) the MLB schedule worked so the USA could have all of the best players in the AL and NL representing the USA instead of young rookies.

    I love watching anything and everything, but my favorites have always been swimming, gymnastics, soccer,track& field, and basketball.

    The watermelon photo makes me happy!

  12. Ahhaha, I was thinking those were the strangest looking cookies ever and they’d be haunting me too! Made a little more sense when I read the next line about apricots, LOL!

    Can’t wait to watch the Olympics! I love gymnastics, swimming, diving, and this year I’ll be watching running too! #RFR5k 🙂