Berry Banana Smoothie Bowl

By Maria Lichty

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Berry Banana Smoothie Bowl – if you like smoothies, you will love this simple and healthy smoothie bowl! Eat with a spoon and top with your favorite toppings. Perfect for breakfast!

Berry Banana Smoothie Bowl

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Smoothie Bowl For Breakfast

I like smoothies, but they aren’t a meal to me, they are a drink. The smoothies that are packed with fruits, veggies, protein, etc. and are meant to be a meal still don’t do it for me. I want and need to chew food. I would never survive a juice cleanse. I like to eat, not drink my meals. I make smoothies all of the time for snacks and for the boys, but not for meals.

I recently discovered a way to enjoy smoothies as a meal, smoothie bowls! Have you tried them? I am obsessed. You basically make a thick smoothie, pour it into a bowl, add a ton of toppings, and eat it with a spoon. Yes, you eat it, not drink it, so it totally counts as a meal!

I am currently loving this Berry Banana Smoothie Bowl. I make it at least twice a week. I love it and so do my boys!

Breakfast Smoothie Bowl With Berries in Bowl

How To Make A Smoothie Bowl

You only need four ingredients to make the Berry Banana Smoothie: 

  • Milk (I like to use unsweetened vanilla almond milk. You could also use kefir.)
  • Frozen banana
  • Frozen mixed berries
  • Spinach (I promise you won’t taste it!)

Using frozen fruit is the key. You want the smoothie to be thick so you can eat it with a spoon. I love sneaking in the spinach because my boys never know it’s there. The dark purple berries hide the green! You can also use kale.


Once the smoothie is blended, pour it into a bowl and add your favorite toppings. I like to go topping crazy. I add fresh berries, banana slices, granola, chia seeds, toasted coconut, and chopped almonds. The beauty of smoothie bowls? You can add whatever toppings you like. The toppings not only make the bowl pretty, but they add substance to the smoothie. The toppings make it a real meal!

Here are a few of my favorite granolas to add:

How To Make Smoothie Bowl

Easy + Healthy Meal

You can enjoy this healthy smoothie bowl for breakfast, as a snack, or even dessert! The smoothie is sweet, creamy, and smooth. It reminds me of ice cream, but with lots of extra goodies! Tastes like ice cream, but is healthy enough for a meal? WINNING! This Berry Banana Smoothie Bowl is amazing and the perfect treat for summer!

Grab a spoon and give this healthy Berry Banana Smoothie Bowl a try! It is fun to make and fun to eat! Let your family members and friends customize their bowls with their favorite toppings. The options are endless! You can even have a smoothie bowl party! Go crazy and enjoy!

More Smoothie Recipes:

Berry Smoothie Bowl In Bowl
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Berry Banana Smoothie Bowl

This healthy smoothie bowl is great for breakfast, as a snack, or even dessert! Customize your bowl by adding your favorite toppings!
5 from 3 votes


  • 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or milk of your choice)
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • Toppings: Fresh berries banana slices, toasted coconut, almonds, chia seeds, granola


  • Add the almond milk, spinach, berries, and banana to the blender. Blend until smooth.
  • Pour into a bowl and top with desired toppings. I like to use fresh berries, banana slices, toasted coconut, almonds, chia seeds, and granola. Eat with a spoon and enjoy!
  • Note-you can customize your bowl and add your favorite toppings!


Calories: 208kcal, Carbohydrates: 47g, Protein: 3g, Fat: 3g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 189mg, Potassium: 674mg, Fiber: 8g, Sugar: 28g, Vitamin A: 2960IU, Vitamin C: 23mg, Calcium: 192mg, Iron: 1mg

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. I’ve never heard of a smoothie bowl until now. I’m loving all the flavors and the crunchy toppings. I look forward to making this soon!!

  2. Wow. This looks delicious. I’ve seen more and more smoothie bowls popping up over the web, but I still need to sit down and make one. I’m like you, I’d rather eat my calories then drink them!

  3. This looks good! I’ve never been a smoothie fan but all of the toppings might make them more appealing. This might be a good summer breakfast when it gets too warm for oatmeal!

  4. Love the idea of a smoothie bowl!! So many smoothie recipes are basically all carbs (even healthy carbs) which never keep me full like this would. Yum!

  5. Yum! This smoothie bowl is so beautiful! And packed with so many of summer’s best produce! Love it!

  6. This looks DIVINE! I haven’t jumped on the smoothie bowl train yet, but I’m catching it at the next stop! Great recipe!

  7. I’m with you, I love smoothies- but I definitely need something a little more substantial. These bowls with the add ins would do the trick!

  8. Love thick smoothies. They’re the only way to have them! I love all your toppings

  9. I totally agree with you when it comes to smoothies! They just never seem like enough. I have been meaning to try smoothie bowls instead, totally gonna have to try this now! 🙂

  10. I’m totally hooked on smoothie bowls – I was actually going to blend one right now! This is gorgeous 🙂

  11. Such a fantastic idea! Love, love, love it!!! These look so incredibly fresh & delicious!

  12. THANK YOU for explaining what a smoothie bowl is. I’ve seen it cropping up everywhere and thought it was just a bowl of smoothie ingredients 🙂

    That looks pretty and tasty. I like smoothies because of the drinking aspect but this would be a nice occasional change!

  13. So bright and beautiful! Smoothie bowls are great because you can customize them with whatever you are in the mood for! Sidenote: WHERE did you get those napkins? I’m in LOVE!

  14. I’d never heard of a smoothie bowl before! But this does look good – so much fruit with some nuts! Will have to give this one a shot.

  15. This looks almost too good to be blended but am sure it makes a hearty breakfast. When I try this out, I will probably only blend it semi-smooth as I love to chew on my smoothies.

  16. I have been on the smoothie bowl train for years now. It’s the only way I eat smoothies!

  17. This looks so good!! I just posted a very berry smoothie on my blog, but making it into a smoothie bowl seems so fun and a great twist on such an already great smoothie combo!

  18. This was delicious and refreshing. I didn’t have any spinach and I subbed homemade hazelnut milk.

  19. 5 stars
    Wow! This looks fun and easy to make! I always love to order smoothie bowls at breakfast places and have always wanted to make it at home but, I didn’t want to put in a lot of work! This looks so good and I can’t wait to try it now that I am motivated!

  20. You know, these aren’t really healthy. Smoothies aren’t good for you because you get all the sugar and none of the fiber. Plus you’re consuming more calories (and sugar) in a smoothie than you would eating the fruit whole.

    1. you forgot about the toppings. you can top it with as many pieces of fruit and nuts as you would like. also, aren’t you getting the fibre as well, just blended up? which makes it easier to eat. so, I am not sure what you mean by it not being healthy.

  21. 5 stars
    This smoothie bowl was amazing! It’s so nutritious and I enjoyed every last bite of it. I saved this recipe and sent it to all of my friends and family and they are all looking forward to making it! A great thing to have for breakfast, it’s healthy and delicious.

  22. I just discovered smoothie bowls last week while on vacation and I’m hooked. I have a question, what type of blender do you have. Mine is an ancient sunbeam from 1972! It takes forever and I’m trying to gather some info on a replacement.
    Thanks Maria