Fall Bucket List 2018

By Maria Lichty

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fall bucket list

We make a summer bucket list every summer, but we have never made a fall bucket list, until NOW! Why does summer get to have all of the fun? Fall is actually my favorite season, what’s not to love? Football, beautiful fall colors, cool, crisp air, and pumpkin everything! It is the best time of year!

We decided to make a fall bucket list with the boys and we came up with some GOOD ideas and we are excited to share them with you. I also added in a few of my personal favorites:) Enjoy!

  1. Go to a football game.
  2. Visit farmers market and pick out pumpkins.
  3. Make ALL things pumpkin. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin cake, pumpkin cinnamon cookies, pumpkin muffins…yeah, we love pumpkin! You can see even more of our favorite pumpkin recipes here.
  4. Rake leaves…and jump in the piles.
  5. Watch a family movie and eat kettle corn. This movie is a fall MUST!
  6. Host a Sunday soup party. Invite your friends over to eat soup! Have everyone bring something so you can try lots of good recipes! Need soup ideas, see our favorites here.
  7. Make caramel apples…or salted caramel sauce to dip apples!
  8. Carve pumpkins.
  9. Host a football party and cheer on your favorite team! Don’t forget the snacks, this spread is our favorite for game day!
  10. Start a family gratitude journal.
  11. Sit around the fireplace and tell family stories.
  12. Curl up with a cozy blanket and read a good book. I am looking forward to reading this one.
  13. Put flannel sheets on the bed and sleep with the windows open. I love the crisp fall air.
  14. Donate food to a local food bank.
  15. Make chili (or this one) and the BEST cornbread.
  16. Enjoy a relaxing bubble bath with candles. This is my all-time favorite candle.
  17. Clean out our closets and donate the clothes we don’t wear anymore. Maybe buy a few new cozy sweaters, like this one, this one, and this one.
  18. Go on a hike in the mountains to see the fall colors.
  19. Make homemade donuts.
  20. Go bowling.
  21. Do a leaf craft project with the kids. This one looks fun!
  22. Go on a fall family bike ride.
  23. Visit an apple orchard and make our favorite baked peanut butter apple oatmeal and apple pie.
  24. Find a pen pal and send snail mail.
  25. Go to the library and check out fall books.

So what are you looking forward to this fall? Please leave your ideas in the comments! Happy fall!

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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Fall Life

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  1. I’m looking forward to everything pumpkin! Carving them, eating them, drinking pumpkin lattes and pumpkin beer, all of it. I look forward to autumn every year.

  2. I love #3 and #18 especially, baking with pumpkin which I’ve already done both but hope to do more of! 🙂

  3. what a great list, great inspiration for my own,. I’d like to start with chili, then make a lot of pumpkin recipes (thank you for yours here) and, of course, make homemade donuts!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing my leaf print activity. It really is such a fun one to do with the kids. I appreciate you promoting such great fall activities!

  5. We do something similar to the soup party every year; on the day of the first frost, we will all go to our aunt’s house, invite our grandparents, and have soup! Great tradition! 😀

    From Zoe @ weirdgirllifestyle.blogspot.com